Happy National Day Singapore!

Happy National Day Singapore!

Congratulations to all Singaporeans on the 51st National Day of Singapore!

Celebrated every year on August 9th, Singapore's National Day commemorates their independence from Malaysia in 1965. It's a spectacular event with lots going on throughout the day, including a parade, an address from the Prime Minister, an aerial display from the military, and a massive fireworks display in the evening (which is reported to cost over one million Singapore dollars!)

The celebrations will take on a futuristic theme this year, with the main topic of the event being 'Building our Singapore of Tomorrow'. As always Singapore's favourite mascot, the Merlion, will take pride of place amidst the festivities.

If you'd like to be in Singapore for the next National Day, maybe we can help. We have Consultant positions available across a range of specialties, and now is a great time to further your career in this vibrant international environment.

Contact Amanda Gregory on +44 (0)131 240 5281 or via amanda@headmedical.com to find out more. Read about her recent trip to Singapore.

Read our guide to Living and Working in Singapore.

Check out our blog on 'Singlish', Singapore's unique local lingo!

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