Meet the Team - Annie Nicholson

Our Meet the Team series continues with the chance to get to know Managing Consultant for the Gulf Team, Annie Nicholson, a little bit better!

Joined Head Medical: January 2011

Area of expertise: Recruiting Physicians to the Middle East

Background: 14 years medical recruitment experience

Motto: Carpe Diem!

Best advice you have ever been given: 'Go with your gut’

Funniest recruitment related experience: Can’t think of funniest but there have certainly been some odd experiences - I couldn’t possibly comment on these though!

Best thing about working for Head Medical: Great colleagues, good team spirit and having the opportunity to travel to the region you recruit to

Worst thing about working for Head Medical: Some early morning starts

Tell us something about yourself that people might find surprising: I love shopping!! No really, I do….

What would be your dream holiday destination? Bora Bora

If you could have a superpower what would it be? To grant wishes  

How would you blow £1million? Easily and very quickly…

Who is your biggest hero, idol or inspiration? My dad. Sadly no longer with us but one of the funniest, honest and most hard-working men I’ve known.

If you'd like to find out more about the areas Annie recruits to you can check out our Gulf page or search the roles we currently have available via our Jobs page.

You can view profiles for the whole Head Medical Team on our Meet the Team page.

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