We recognise that International tax reporting obligations can be complex, and navigating more than one tax reporting system needs careful management, which is why we have chosen to partner with Anderson Anderson & Brown LLP. Their International Private Client Tax Team are ideally placed to provide you with bespoke, global tax reporting advice and expertise, allowing you to focus on your new position either in the UK or overseas.
The world has definitely become a smaller place. In international tax terms however, the foot print of the global tax authorities grows ever greater.
Individuals relocating either to an overseas country, or arriving in the UK from abroad, will need to understand their tax filing obligations. Tax authorities can impose significant financial penalties for compliance failures. There are many issues to be considered for those with accumulated assets or pension funds located in different jurisdictions. Managing the worldwide tax exposure of accumulated wealth across multiple territories can be particularly onerous.
Our International Private Client team have decades of experience providing specialist advice to individuals working all over the world. Our offices in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and London have provided advice to internationally mobile individuals from all sectors. We regularly deal with compliance reporting, but more often in longer term tax planning, taking advantage of Double Tax Treaties with other jurisdictions to provide realistic tax mitigation strategies. Taking a holistic approach optimises benefits of the various reliefs, allowances and provisions of Tax Treaties, and can help individuals to legitimately manage their exposure to tax without becoming unwittingly non-compliant or exposed to punitive taxes or penalties.
AAB’s in-house expertise is underpinned by tried and tested global networks. AAB are members of Accelerate, a Business Associate of Crowe Global, one of the world’s leading professional services networks. AAB are also the Scottish member firm of The International Accounting Group (TIAG). As part of these powerful networks we have strong and proven contacts with trusted partners and can offer clients access to further global specialists who have international expertise in hundreds of countries
Tax authorities worldwide now have unprecedented access to vast amounts of information from hundreds of overseas jurisdictions via various automatic exchange of information agreements. In many cases, they have powers to charge penal penalties for non-declaration and reporting failures. It has never been more important to be tax compliant, whatever your destination territory. With this background access to appropriate specialist expertise becomes crucial.
Please call 0330 094 9390 or email headmed@aab.uk to arrange for an initial discussion about how our International Private Client Tax Team can help give you peace of mind.