WA Country Health Service
The WA Country Health Service (WACHS) delivers acute and primary health services to regional Western Australia covering 2,525,306 square kilometres of Western Australia (WA) and extends from the Kimberley region in the north to the Great Southern region in the south, and the Indian Ocean in the west to the Northern Territory and South Australian borders in the east.
Country WA has a population of over 500,000 people. It includes both regional centres and smaller towns, offering dynamic multicultural communities with a relaxed, friendly lifestyle.
People in country WA feel safe, have a strong sense of community and affinity with their location. Most rural communities, even the smallest ones, will offer a range of sporting options from football, netball, swimming, soccer, golf, lawn bowls, hockey and tennis, to the more adventurous windsurfing, ballooning, skydiving and scuba diving.
Living in a country community puts you that one step closer to some of the amazing travel opportunities in country WA. You can dive with the whale sharks, walk amongst the tree tops of ancient trees, sleep under a canopy of stars in the desert, explore the gorges and wilderness areas, or live it up in a sea side resort. Living in country WA can be a truly amazing Australian outback experience.
To discuss Consultant jobs with WACHS contact Alasdair Spinner on 0131 240 5276 or al@headmedical.com
To discuss GP jobs with WACHS contact Yan Scouller on 0131 240 5274 or yan@headmedical.com
“WACHS recruit for one of the largest jurisdictions around. There is a genuine need for the expertise of overseas trained Doctors within the hospitals of WACHS. They offer relocation expense assistance as well as highly competitive wages. The state is rapidly growing because of the mining boom in WA and we have found new homes for Consultants in both Bunbury and Geraldton and would be very keen to find you a position too.”
Alasdair Spinner, Recruitment Consultant